Database System Capabilities

A database can manage, manipulate and repurpose any information that flows through a business.

Every company’s information management needs vary. Some data types are common to most businesses while others are unique and more specialized depending on the industry, type of company or creative approach to managing a team’s workflow. Since Write Track Media specializes in creating custom information systems, your needs can be met no matter how unique.

Popular Uses

  • Companies
  • Contacts
  • Projects
  • Budgeting
  • Expenses
  • Equipment
  • Email
  • Newsletters
  • Products
  • Features
  • Inventory
  • POs
  • Scheduling
  • Tasks
  • Time Sheets
  • Invoices

Specialized Uses

In addition to those common types of information above, your team may have needs that are more unique to your specific industry or type of business. You may also have a unique approach to dealing with specific information, something that makes your team stand out in a crowd. In that case, a custom system can be of enormous value.

Rather than forcing you to limit your staff to the organizational methods of the largest common denominator, a custom database system frees you to be true to yourself. It can be designed to manage your content, your way, giving your team the powerful tool they need to achieve their goals and propel your business to success.


A recruiter may need a specialized contacts database designed specifically for managing job candidates and resume information.

Catalog Designers

A database can assist in the collection of a subset of products and prepare them for flowing them into a catalog file.


Storing test results and other scientific data in a database makes it easier to store, find and print results for customers.

Human Resources

Storing guidelines for employee and policy manuals in a database allows the creation of separate documents for different departments.


Reusable pieces of code can be stored for efficient reuse at a later date helping a development team maintain higher standards.


Lawyers may store a library of clauses and text snippets that can be easily assembled into a new contract for specific clients.


Tracking donations, managing donor relations, planning and coordinating events and creating grants can be managed with a database.


Non-profits can manage grants, contracts and forms; track resources, monitor progress and budgets.


Schools need to manage student information, forms, housing data, food services and any other information safely.

Data Manipulation

Unlike traditional data storage methods such as text files and spreadsheets where data must be duplicated elsewhere for other uses, a database can be designed to allow various forms, reports and layouts to be generated instantly using connections to a single shared data set. This means that when a piece of information is updated in a field, that data is updated on every layout upon which it is displayed. A good design can easily accommodate exporting data for use in other systems, often in a fully automated manner.

  • Quickly print any number of reports
  • Automatically flow information from the database to a formatted Desktop Publishing document
  • Convert data into other formats for uses by other systems
  • Provide functions to help a user write, assemble, edit or reuse information more effectively
  • Data can be connected to other information and grouped into hierarchical structures
  • Display information on a variety of different layouts to aid with various tasks
  • Export information to text files, Microsoft Excel files or virtually any other text based document type
  • Transmit information, reports and exports to others by email or other communication methods