Thanks to readers who have identified and reported the errors below in the first edition.
Page 253
Conditional Value List Using a Calculation Field
The example at the bottom of the page lists a mismatch between the name of the calculation field and the field referenced in the formula. It should read:
Create a new calculation field named Company Active Name that returns a text result and has a formula of:
Case ( Company Status = “Active” ; Company Name ; “” )
Also, the note directly above this example should read:
If using a secondary field when generating the conditional list, whichever field is used as the sort field needs to be generated from a conditional calculation.
Page 268
NOT (Logical Operator)
The first example as shown would return a result of 1. It should read:
NOT 150 > 100 // result = 0
Page 290
Contact Address Label
To be consistent with actual field names suggested earlier for the Contact table, the formula should read:
Contact::Contact Address Street & “¶” &
Contact::Contact Address City & “, ” &
Contact::Contact Address State & ” ” &
Contact::Contact Address Zip & “¶” &
Contact::Contact Address Country
Page 448
FieldRepetitions (Design Function)
The format listing for this function should read:
FieldRepetitions ( fileName ; layoutName ; fieldName )
Page 449
FieldStyle (Design Function)
The format listing for this function should read:
FieldStyle ( fileName ; layoutName ; fieldName )
Pages 479-480
The three ExecuteSQL examples on these two pages should have semi-colon delimiters:
ExecuteSQL ( “Select * FROM Table” ; “” ; “” )
ExecuteSQL ( “Select * FROM Table” ; “–“ ; “” )
ExecuteSQL ( “Select * FROM Table” ; “–“ ; “#” )